Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Oh, the places they will go

Claymore Public School held their Term 2 2012 Book Giving Assembly on 26th June 2012. Sponsor representative Judy Gliddon and Nicole Burge attended the assembly and presented the books, sponsored by Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd, to the students!

Report Megan Gorrey from Campbelltown Macarthur Advertisers also attended the assembly and wrote an article which was published on 4th July 2012:

As well as sponsoring Claymore Public School, Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd also sponsors three community playgroups which allows parents with children age 0 to 3 to received 9 books each year.

A SPECIAL THANK YOU to sponsor Janssen-Cilag Pty Ltd for investing in Books in Homes Programme at Claymore Community!