Thursday, 6 December 2012

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, Waterloo

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School in NSW had their best Book Giving Assembly to date on Thursday 6th December 2012! After lunch Assembly started off in the Library with the students meeting their Books in Homes School Role Model Christopher Cheng. The amazing author! He told the students lots of interesting stories and they were all very funny ones! Also both Warren O'Rourke and Marissa Bonett from QBE Foundation attended. They spoke to the students before they received their new books. Once the students received their books they were so happy and excited they even started to read them and forgot they were in an assembly! 

Our Lady of Mount Carmel School, Waterloo would like to say a HUGE thank you to the QBE Foundation and their volunteer reading mentors Angela, Carmen and Jamie. All the students were so excited that they got to see a BIG cheque from the QBE Foundation and this will help them to receive and read more new books next year! What a great way to end the year!

 Thank You QBE FOUNDATION for your support towards the 
Books in Homes Programme in six schools across Australia!

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